Wowzers! SNOW! As much as we love snow, we're bummed that a giant snowstorm hit on the day of the kick-off fundraiser forcing us to cancel the event. Butts! Angela and Chris held down the fort until I could figure out a way to get there, it took FOREVER, but when I got there, and saw 15 hardy souls there who'd still made it out for a beer...well damn, that just felt amazing. Thank you so much to everyone there! And especially to Angela and Chris for their people gathering spirits and box making, Domenika for art and support, Vahid for walking there, Steve from Bike Farm, Dave for chaining up and driving, Leigh for bike/walking there, Rob for biking there and bringing a stuffed manatee, Tim for bike there, Daniel for biking there, Katy and Sarah for biking there and giving us a lucky 50 cent piece, Mike for biking there, Angelique for driving an hour to get there, and Katie, David, Kyle, and Alex for their love and support.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions! We raised $200 for our organizations on a wintery snowy night. <3